

Greetings to anyone out there who has survived, thought about doing, completed, or just purchased P90X. First off, I applaud you. This program is more than a quick fix. It's more than just a home work-out routine. It's a lifestyle change. If you stick to the program (re-defining your eating habits and pushing play every day), I guarantee results that will blow your mind.

Back in October I came across an infomercial that made me stop in my tracks. I couldn't believe the "changes" each of the people were making. They seemed to be "normal" individuals...you know, you and me. There was nothing special about them. Some started more fit than others, but not too much further than were I was. I could run a mile...if I was being chased. I could touch my toes...if I had someone on my back. I could even do a pull-up...if I was about to be bitten by a snake. But something in me, on that day, drew me in. It was the promise of a healthy life that I knew I wanted, but didn't quite know how to get. I sucked it up and made the call. Yes...the only time in my life that I've ever ordered anything from an infomercial.

I was scared to start. It looked intimidating, but I knew I needed to do it. After the sales pitch, I was even able to talk my wife into joining me to get started. Day 1 started and I was off and running, pushing, pulling, kicking, yoga-ing, stretching and "forgetting the rest"! How could I end up so soar. There were muscles I never I knew I had before...because they hurt like "you know what!" 30 days came and went without too many changes. Hadn't lost much weight (only 2 pounds), but knew I felt better than ever before. 60 days seemed to go like a flash as well....but I knew I was heading through the Christmas and New Years food gauntlet. It was going to be a challenge, I'd never overcome before. Too many cups of egg-nog and chocolate-covered-cherries in the past. But I made it. Day 90 couldn't have come faster. I couldn't believe the results. 90 days of focus had produced a 25-pound weight loss. In practical terms...that's 4 pants sizes smaller. Before Day 1 I had a 29.6 BMI (Body Mass Index). For reference, a 30+ BMI is obese. After day 90, I was down to a BMI of 25.5. (Under 25 BMI is normal weight. Check out your BMI here.)

More than anything else...my life has been changed forever. I will never go back to eating the way I did before. No more mindless munching or late night snacking. No more "board binges" or sweet excuses. I've got a family hostory of diabetes. Getting anywhere close to that point is not an option. From here on out I'm putting fuel in my body that produces energy and promotes health. My body is a temple.

Whether it's P90X or another routine...make it daily and make it count. Set the example for those around you. Be the person you know you can be...you deserve it. I'll be here tomorrow...pushing play!

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