My wife recently purchased one of those "hallmark" framed sayings, "Have an Attitude of Gratitude." Many choose to be "half-empty" personalities...hoping that nothing bad will happen and storing the contingency plan in the forefront of their minds. It's easy to fall into that mindset. I want to be a "glass is half-full" person. I want my attitude to be gratitude first. There is movement in our thoughts...leading us one way or another. In the same way our country moved towards independence--and ultimately unity for the common cause of freedom--I want to move towards positivity, hope, faith and growth in my life. I choose today to move towards:
- loving my family unconditionally and believing the best in them
- striving to do my best, knowing that my efforts and work will not return void
- believing that the Lord has great things in store daily
- wanting success in all areas of life (relationships, work, ministry, etc.)
- growing in spiritual knowledge and wisdom that will enable me to be more influential in this world
- knowing at the core of my soul that my Heavenly Father loves me
May your independence lead you today towards unity with Christ and others. My His love guide your thoughts, words and deeds to glorify Him in all you do. And my you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have great significance...so do something about it!
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