
Divine Appointment?

From a journal entry dated Monday, February 18, 2008...

I Samuel 9:6, "…perhaps he can tell us about our journey on which we have set out."

Saul is about to encounter a “divine appointment”. As he and one of his family’s servants set out on the menial task of tracking down some lost donkeys, they travel through five different lands until at last they determine it is time to turn back. Just before they return home, without accomplishing their goal, Saul’s servant speaks of a “man of God” in the nearby city. They are intrigued by the opportunity to seek out the prophet of the region and understand their purpose.

Just a day prior to this, Samuel the prophet is told by the Lord that a man was coming that would be appointed as King over the Israelites. He was to be from the tribe of Benjamin…the least of all the tribes. This was God’s plan…to appoint a ‘donkey seeking’ boy from the lowliest family in all Israel to become King.

What divine appointments lay ahead in my life? What journey am I on that will be divinely interrupted by the Lord? As I reach the end of a long day, or the end of a task without finding deep fulfillment or completion, I will be looking for the Lord’s divine appointment. I will daily be seeking to discover the journey on which I have been called to set out upon.

Lord, guide my mind so that I don’t miss the divine opportunities you have in store for me daily. Even if I feel that my task is frivolous and the outcome uncertain, may I not overlook the part it plays in leading me closer to you and the calling you have in mind for me and my family.


Independence Day

Independence is not a separation from one thing, but rather a uniting to another. Our country seemed to be separating itself from a form of government and culture that hindered personal and religious rights. The reality is that values and moral standards were driving people to unite in a most profound way. To leave all they knew and venture into an unknown territory...with only the dream for something better...seems like the most scary journey one could undertake. Because of the dreams, because of the "never say never" attitudes that drove these individuals to strive for something great, we here in the "United" States are able to bask in the same freedoms and pursuits of happiness as did the forefathers of this great country.

My wife recently purchased one of those "hallmark" framed sayings, "Have an Attitude of Gratitude." Many choose to be "half-empty" personalities...hoping that nothing bad will happen and storing the contingency plan in the forefront of their minds. It's easy to fall into that mindset. I want to be a "glass is half-full" person. I want my attitude to be gratitude first. There is movement in our thoughts...leading us one way or another. In the same way our country moved towards independence--and ultimately unity for the common cause of freedom--I want to move towards positivity, hope, faith and growth in my life. I choose today to move towards:

- loving my family unconditionally and believing the best in them
- striving to do my best, knowing that my efforts and work will not return void
- believing that the Lord has great things in store daily
- wanting success in all areas of life (relationships, work, ministry, etc.)
- growing in spiritual knowledge and wisdom that will enable me to be more influential in this world
- knowing at the core of my soul that my Heavenly Father loves me

May your independence lead you today towards unity with Christ and others. My His love guide your thoughts, words and deeds to glorify Him in all you do. And my you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have great significance...so do something about it!


Working it Out

"God knows our situation; He will not judge us as if we had no difficulties to overcome. What matters is the sincerity and perseverance of our will to overcome them." (Mere Christianity, p. 93)

What a wonderful picture of the promise our struggle produces. It is so easy to get caught in the guilt of an act (sin) rather than walking in the freedom of Christ's forgiveness, knowing that God understands our journey. We are called to "work out" our salvation. It is a process...and God looks at the heart--at our motive.

The old sermon illustration is brought to mind of the athlete in a race. Right before the finish line, he trips and instead of winning the race he watches all the other competitors pass him by. He has two options, give up and become depressed by the failure, or get back up and finish the race. Perseverance is the key in life. It's not how many times we fall, but that we stand back up no matter how difficult the pain.

Here's to the triumph over the trip!


Keep It Simple

I recently came across an article about a 99 year old surgeon's thoughts on life. He had been a pioneer in the field of heart transplants and coronary reconstruction. In his world, where knowledge is king and ego is ever present, he showed his passion for getting to the "heart" of the matter...

"People often use words in a loose way that covers over what they're talking about. I like to choose words that get to the basics."

So...on behalf of Dr. DeBakey...I'm going to keep to the basics. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.


Birth Days

I can't pass up the opportunity to brag on my two beautiful children. Today, four years ago, our little 'Rosebud' was born. Madeline Rose Gale is a tower of beauty and, according to her grandmother's prayer, will become a hand-maden of the Lord. She has her mother's passion, beauty and smile and my organization (even in the messes). She is becoming all that we prayed for...a girl who plays, prays and loves her family. We know the Lord has big plans for her life and look forward to the woman she will become.

Last month, our little man turned two. Noah Andrew Gale has brough endless energy to our lives...never a dull moment in our home. He is a man of obedience and strengh (sometimes the strength overcomes the obedience). We believe great things for his life. He has his mother's tenderness and my quiet strength. His future is wide open and he can become whatever his heart desires.

I pray the Lord will keep and protect my children always. I pray they follow Him all the days of their lives and never forget the God of their father and mother. May they have courage to act and patience to wait on the Lord. My children...you are loved!


The Night After

It was a sleepless weekend. Their eyes heavy and dry, with no more tears to loose. Bodies physically drained of energy and unable to move. Knees burning from endless hours spent in prayer. Hands frozen as if locked from begging for what seemed to be an eternity. Their minds raced as they lay in their beds that night. With questions still on their breath and thoughts flying around from the tornado of events they'd experienced. One thing remained true for each of them...Christ was risen!

What emotions were felt by the disciples on the fearful and wonderful evening after Christ ascended to Heaven? What must they have felt as they were about to drift into the most amazing sleep they've collectively ever enjoyed? Each muscle was relaxing, each joint unstiffening, each eyelid being drawn together like a magnet. But the words were still ringing in their ears, as if they had been adjusting to the bleating decibels following a rock concert. The words "GO" and "MAKE" and "BAPTIZE" and "TEACH" were echoing through the valley of their mind.

And then...silence. Moments passed without a though. An overwhelming sense of peace covered like a blanket. Then a still, small voice could be heard...warm and welcoming, as if Christ was right there in the room. Seated in a chair beside their beds, He once again gentle reminds them of His final words:

"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20)

The words were being written in their minds like fire. They were burned in the memory like the vision of a child being born, or a husband seeing his bride walking down the aisle. The fear of the unknown was overtaken by the loving sacrifice Christ endured on the cross and the picture of His nail-pierced hands after His resurrection. Christ's words would lay down the path for them to walk out for the rest of their earthly days. And what great things tomorrow would bring.

For tonight, we rest. We rest in the arms of the resurrected Lord, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Father and yet ever-present in our souls. May tonight bring visions of the miracles Christ will perform tomorrow. May tonight restore our souls, to do His will and follow His commandments. And may tonight bring assurance of salvation and life-eternal with our King.


The Right Direction

C.S. Lewis clarifies a misnomer amongst many believers, stating:

"People often think of Christian morality as a kind of bargain in which God says, 'If you keep a lot of rules I'll reward you, and if you don't I'll do the other thing.' I do not think that is the best way of looking at it. I would much rather say that every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before. And taking your life as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, all your life long you are slowly turning this central thing either into a heavenly creature or into a hellish creature: either into a creature that is harmony with God, and with other creatures, and with itself, or else into one that is in a state of war and hatred with God, and with its fellow-creatures, and with itself." (Taken from Mere Christianity, p87)

I love the picture that the sum of your decisions leads you either one way or the other. We're not judged by the imperfections of the moment, but by the summation of our life choices.

Here's to changing into a heavenly creature daily. May Christ be glorified in all. Happy Good Friday. Sunday is coming!


The Shack

When life is shattered by tragedy, where is God? This has been a question that has never found a home in the mind, but one that is known deep in the recesses of the soul. The Shack is a fictional exploration of this difficult question. Author, William Young, takes the reader though a minefield of emotional bombs that could destroy the strongest character. The story unfolds the freewill given to man and the sovereignty of our loving God. In the end, the question of God’s presences is gloriously and profoundly revealed. It’s a must read.



Greetings to anyone out there who has survived, thought about doing, completed, or just purchased P90X. First off, I applaud you. This program is more than a quick fix. It's more than just a home work-out routine. It's a lifestyle change. If you stick to the program (re-defining your eating habits and pushing play every day), I guarantee results that will blow your mind.

Back in October I came across an infomercial that made me stop in my tracks. I couldn't believe the "changes" each of the people were making. They seemed to be "normal" individuals...you know, you and me. There was nothing special about them. Some started more fit than others, but not too much further than were I was. I could run a mile...if I was being chased. I could touch my toes...if I had someone on my back. I could even do a pull-up...if I was about to be bitten by a snake. But something in me, on that day, drew me in. It was the promise of a healthy life that I knew I wanted, but didn't quite know how to get. I sucked it up and made the call. Yes...the only time in my life that I've ever ordered anything from an infomercial.

I was scared to start. It looked intimidating, but I knew I needed to do it. After the sales pitch, I was even able to talk my wife into joining me to get started. Day 1 started and I was off and running, pushing, pulling, kicking, yoga-ing, stretching and "forgetting the rest"! How could I end up so soar. There were muscles I never I knew I had before...because they hurt like "you know what!" 30 days came and went without too many changes. Hadn't lost much weight (only 2 pounds), but knew I felt better than ever before. 60 days seemed to go like a flash as well....but I knew I was heading through the Christmas and New Years food gauntlet. It was going to be a challenge, I'd never overcome before. Too many cups of egg-nog and chocolate-covered-cherries in the past. But I made it. Day 90 couldn't have come faster. I couldn't believe the results. 90 days of focus had produced a 25-pound weight loss. In practical terms...that's 4 pants sizes smaller. Before Day 1 I had a 29.6 BMI (Body Mass Index). For reference, a 30+ BMI is obese. After day 90, I was down to a BMI of 25.5. (Under 25 BMI is normal weight. Check out your BMI here.)

More than anything else...my life has been changed forever. I will never go back to eating the way I did before. No more mindless munching or late night snacking. No more "board binges" or sweet excuses. I've got a family hostory of diabetes. Getting anywhere close to that point is not an option. From here on out I'm putting fuel in my body that produces energy and promotes health. My body is a temple.

Whether it's P90X or another routine...make it daily and make it count. Set the example for those around you. Be the person you know you can be...you deserve it. I'll be here tomorrow...pushing play!